School Meals
School Meals
Breakfast and Lunch Programs provide Nutrition, Convenience
The district participates in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) and has qualified for the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for grades K-12. This CEP provision provides FREE meals to all students for the entire school year. The programs are self-supporting with additional federal and state subsidies. A la carte items are also available for purchase.
If you would like more information, please call the School Lunch Office at 631-7435.
1. Parents are encouraged to use the District’s on-line lunch program to pay for school meals. Enrollment is easy. Simply go to the picture below, click register for an account, setup an account, and prepay with your credit card, debit card, or electronic check. Please note there is a $1.95 fee charged by the company for each transaction. Paying for more meals at one time will minimize the cost of doing this online if you choose to do so.
2. Parents may send cash or check (payable to Maryvale School Lunch).
3. Reduced price and prepaid breakfasts/lunches may be purchased from school offices on the first day of each school week.
4. Credit will be given for meals missed due to absence.
The goal of the Maryvale School District Meal Program is to offer good nutrition to students and teach them healthy eating habits. We hope the program also encourages students to eat well-balanced meals at home.
Please Note:
In accordance with Federal and State regulations, applications for the Free and/or Reduced meals are available to all parents and persons in parental relationships to children attending the Maryvale schools. Income and family size determine eligibility based upon income guidelines as set forth by the State of New York. Applications may be submitted at any time during the school year, or resubmitted whenever your family size increases or income decreases. Families who qualify for free and reduced lunches automatically qualify for free and reduced breakfasts.