Office Fax #: (716) 635-4684
Special Education/PPS
Special Services

Michelle Mailhot, Director of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services
Mrs. Sandra Shear, School Age Secretary
phone #: (716) 631–7476
Office Fax #: (716) 635-4684
Ms. Kathy Pattison, Preschool Secretary
phone #: (716) 631-7433
Office Fax #: (716) 635-4684
Areas of Responsibility
Committee on Special Education Chairperson (CSE)
Committee on Preschool Education Chairperson CPSE)
Intake and process both CSE and CPSE referrals to special education
Arrange for and oversee special education placements as a result of Committee determinations, both in and out of district placements
Oversee the development and implementation of Individual Education Programs (IEPs)
Develop and monitor IDEA 611,619 and CPSE Grants
Process all special education state reporting information
Oversee psychologists, speech therapists, OT/PT, counselors and nurses
Nonpublic School Special Education Services
New York State Education Law 3602-c states that if a parent, guardian or legal custodian of a student with a disability wishes to have his or her child receive special education programs and services while enrolled in the nonpublic school, the parent or guardian or legal custodian must file a Dual Enrollment letter with the Special Education Office for special education services with the school district of residence on or before June 1 preceding the school year for which such services are requested.