Board of Education
About the School Board
The Board of Education is a body of school district representatives who meet the legal qualifications for School Board membership and are elected by the qualified voters of the district. The Board has the total responsibility for the educational program of the district and its financing and control. The Board must operate within the boundaries established by State and Federal law and the regulations of the Commissioner of Education, as well as represent the students and community.
The Maryvale Board has five members and each is elected for a five year term. These terms are arranged so that their expiration dates do not occur the same year. This assures a continuity of Board experience. Board Members are residents of the Maryvale district.
The School Board has exclusive jurisdiction over school district matters which are separate from other political or municipal affairs. The Board has no legal or formal connection with any other local government body. Its functions are carried out through its own officers, administrators and personnel.
Board meetings are held in the Board Room of the Samuel R. Bennett Administration Building located at 1050 Maryvale Drive. Meetings for the 2019-2020 school year will be held at 6:00 p.m. Meeting dates are listed in this calendar and on the district website. Meetings are open to the public.
Service on the Board does not carry any salary and is rendered entirely as a public service by individuals who are committed to the importance of quality education. Depending on the amount of business to be transacted, the length of meetings usually varies. Additionally, committee assignments, workshops and attendance at school events require additional personal time for Board members.
Election petitions, for the annual Board Member election are available in the District Office beginning in April.