211: Free Confidential Link to Health and Human Services: www.211wny.org
Just Tell One: Help with Depression and Addiction: www.justtellone.org

Mental Health Association of Erie County: www.eriemha.org (716)886-1242

Compeer of Greater Buffalo: www.compeerbuffalo.org (716) 883-3331

National Alliance on Mental Illness- Buffalo Chapter: www.namibuffalony.org (716) 226-6264

Crisis Services: www.crisisservices.org (716) 834-3131 (24 hr. hotline) (716) 834-1144 (kids helpline)

BryLin Hospital: www.brylin.com (716) 886-8200

ECMC Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program: (716) 834-3131 (24 hr hotline)

Restoration Society: www.restoration-societyinc.org (716) 832-2141