Maryvale PTO is holding a Meat Raffle!! Doors open at 6pm - First spin at 7pm $12 Presale/$15 at Door Includes: Beverages - Bring your favorite snacks! Also available - 50/50, Freezer Full of Meat Raffle, Lucky Card Game and other Basket Raffle and Big Ticket Items... 21 and OVER ONLY - ABSOLUTELY NO BYOB!!!! Tables of 8 or 10 available Email/Call/Text Mary Baier - 716-572-3609 -
almost 2 years ago, Joseph D'Angelo
pto meat raffle
Jr Flyers on the Run having fun!
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rohde
JR Flyers on the run
Greetings Maryvale UFSD Planetarium enthusiasts. As a reminder, registration our Winter 2023 planetarium short courses/star shows are underway NOW! To register, please contact Michele Caccard at (716) 631-7474 or simply email her at for more information. The followings three short courses have been approved: 1) Face of Earth: A look at the planet from the International Space Station, Tuesday, January 24 & 31, 2023. 2) Planet Nine or Not? Tuesday, February 14 & 21, 2023 and 3) The Skies of Spring: Peering into Intergalactic Space on Tuesday, March 7 & 14, 2023. More astronomy classes to come in the near future!
almost 2 years ago, Joseph D'Angelo
Reminder: Friday, January 13th - Early Dismissal Monday, January 16th - No School
almost 2 years ago, Sarah Rohde
Early Dismissal
about 2 years ago, Sarah Rohde
Early Dismissal
Have a great weekend! Go Bills!
about 2 years ago, Sarah Rohde
Parent Bulletin
Winter Fest
Reminder: Wear red, white and blue or Bills apparel to support the Buffalo Bills before any scheduled game!!!
about 2 years ago, Eileen Crumb
Support the Buffalo Bills!
We would like to give a very appreciative "Thank you" to our Director of Buildings and Grounds, Charlie Milne and our entire Buildings and Grounds staff for their tireless work in the aftermath of the Blizzard. If you saw the state of the main and Primary campuses, you would understand what these folks did to clear the snow and to first make our properties passable and then ultimately useable. We appreciate you and your dedication to the kids and our district!
about 2 years ago, Joseph D'Angelo
Reminder: No school tomorrow See you all January 3rd!
about 2 years ago, Sarah Rohde
Parent Bulletin
Parent Bulletin
Parent Bulletin
After School XGEN Basketball Program starts January 10th at the Intermediate Building! Click here to register: XGEN After School Basketball Program :
about 2 years ago, Eileen Crumb
XGEN After School Basketball Program
We had a special visitor today!
about 2 years ago, Sarah Rohde
Thank you for coming to our Student Led Conferences! Please take a moment to complete the Family Feedback Form to provide feedback on the conference format.
about 2 years ago, Sarah Rohde
Thank you!
Have a great weekend! Reminder: Spirit Week is next week. GO BILLS!
about 2 years ago, Sarah Rohde
Parent Bulletin
Spirit Week
Future Chef
Reminder: TONIGHT - Intermediate School Winter Concert!
about 2 years ago, Sarah Rohde
Intermediate winter concert
Reminder: Thursday, December 15th - Early Dismissal Friday, December 16th - No School
about 2 years ago, Sarah Rohde
Early Dismissal
Our 4th grade Student Leadership Club volunteered at our Flyers’ Fresh Market. The market recently opened in our high school and the goal is to provide healthy food options at no cost to students and their families. Please contact Kelli Cookfair at 631-7452 ( with any questions about the market.
about 2 years ago, Sarah Rohde
Updated: December Lunch and Breakfast Menus
about 2 years ago, Sarah Rohde
December Breakfast
December Lunch
REMINDER: Thursday, December 1st: Wear BILLS colors! Kindness Friday! December 2nd and December 9th Wear green or any clothing with a kind message on it.
about 2 years ago, Sarah Rohde
This Youth Mental Health First Aid Workshop is for all Maryvale Parents and Community members!
about 2 years ago, Joseph D'Angelo
MH1st Aid
An excellent opportunity for Maryvale families and community members is being offered by Compeer: Youth Mental Health First Aid Training on December 6th and 13th at no cost.
about 2 years ago, Eileen Crumb
Compeer Youth Mental Health & First Aid Training