SOAR Expectation

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports

A positive behavior management system designed to improve academic and behavioral success.

A set of established school-wide behavioral expectations that are taught, modeled and recognized. It includes processes and procedures for intervention.

It celebrates individual and school-wide behavioral and academic achievement.

Our four school-wide expectations are:

  • Be Safe

  • Be Responsible

  • Be Ready to Learn

  • Be Respectful

Students have been taught lessons of how to behave in all locations of the school (classroom, bathroom, hallway, cafeteria and the bus).  Students are rewarded with "Soar Slips" because at Maryvale Intermediate, WE SOAR!  It will be an exciting year of positive behaviors being reinforced for all students in our school.

SOAR Slip. Individually, students can earn these from any staff member if they’re demonstrating the expectations in that room, which can be “cashed in” for a selection of prizes at our monthly SOAR store!

Individually, students can now earn SOAR slips on the bus from their bus driver which can also be cashed in at the SOAR Store

Classroom wide, if majority of the class is demonstrating the cafeteria expectations, the class can earn a slip to potentially eat in our new “1050 Club”, which is a VIP section in the cafeteria which is awarded weekly to one classroom in each grade.