Technology Education
Project Lead the Way

Course Offerings
A four year sequence of five courses which, when combined with traditional math and science courses in high school, introduces students to the scope, rigor and discipline of engineering prior to entering college. However, those not intending to pursue further formal education will benefit greatly from the knowledge and logical thought processes that result from taking some or all of the courses provided in the curriculum.
Introduction to Engineering Design
40 weeks - 1 credit
Grades: 9,10,11,12
This full year course may be used by the student to fulfill the required 1 unit of Art/Music for graduation. This is a course that teaches problem-solving skills using a design development process. Three dimensional models of product solutions are created, analyzed and communicated using state of the art computer hardware and software.
Digital Electronics
40 weeks - 1 credit
Grades: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: Introduction to Engineering Design
Digital Electronics is a course of study in applied digital logic. Students will be introduced to digital circuits found in video games, watches, calculators, digital cameras and thousands of other devices. They will study the application of digital logic and how digital devices are used to control automated equipment. This course is patterned after a first semester course taught in two and four year colleges.
Principles of Engineering
40 weeks - 1 credit
Grades: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: Introduction to Engineering Design
Principles of Engineering is a broad-based survey course designed to help students understand the field of engineering and engineering technology and its career possibilities. Students will develop engineering problem solving skills that are involved in post-secondary education programs and engineering careers. They will explore various engineering systems and manufacturing processes. The main purpose of this course is for students to experience through theory and hands-on problem-solving activities what engineering is all about and to answer the question, AIs a career in engineering or engineering technology for me?@
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
40 weeks - 1 credit
Grades: 10,11,12
Prerequisite: Introduction to Engineering Design
This course builds upon the computer solid modeling design skills developed in Introduction to Engineering Design. Students will be presented with design problems that require the use of Inventor to develop solutions to the problems. They will evaluate the solutions using mass property analysis (study of the relationship among the design, function and materials used), make appropriate modifications and use prototyping equipment to produce three-dimensional models of the solutions. Students will be expected to communicate the process and results of their work through oral and written reports.
Engineering Design and Development
40 weeks - 1 credit
Grade 12
Prerequisite: All previous PLTW courses
An engineering research course in which students work in teams to research, design and construct a solution to an open-ended
engineering problem. Students apply principles developed in the four preceding courses and are guided by a mentor. They must present progress reports, submit a final written report and defend their solutions to a review panel at the end of the school
General Infomation about PLTW.
page for students for My PLTW
Rochester Institute of Technology (PLTW Page)
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